Tuesday, 18 February, 2025

9:05 pm [NEPAL, GMT+5:45]

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WAP to check whether the given number is Palindrome.

WAP to check whether the given number is Palindrome.

Question Write a program to check whether the given number is palindrome. Ans:       INPUT "Enter the Number " ; NUM       N = NUM       DO                   DIGIT = NUM MOD 10       REVERSE = REVERSE * 10 + DIGIT       NUM = NUM 10       LOOP WHILE NUM < > 0       IF N = REVERSE THEN PRINT N; "palindrome" ELSE PRINT N; "not palindrome END  
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WAP to enter name and marks of three subjects & print average marks

WAP to enter name and marks of three subjects & print average marks

Question: Write a program to enter name and marks of three subjects. Find out the average and print the output.   Answer: DEFSTR n DEFINT a–e INPUT "Enter Name of Student:"; n          INPUT "Enter Marks of English :"; a INPUT "Enter Marks of Nepali :"; b INPUT "Enter Marks of Maths :"; c LET d = a+b+c LET e = d/3 PRINT "Name of Student:" ; n        PRINT "Marks of English :" ; a PRINT "Marks of Nepali :" ; b PRINT "Marks of Maths :" ; c PRINT PRINT "Total Marks" ; d PRINT "Average Marks"…
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WAP to Find Profit

WAP to Find Profit

Question: A man bought a transistor for Rs. 800 and sold it for Rs. 850, Find his profit. Ans:           CLS       READ s, c       DATA 850, 800       profit = s – c       PRINT "The actual profit = " ; profit       END
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WAP to calculate the Volume of a Sphere

WAP to calculate the Volume of a Sphere

Questions: The volume of a sphere is given by the formula v = 4/3pr³. Given the value of the radius r, write a program to calculate the volume of a sphere. Ans:           CLS       pi = 3.141       INPUT "Enter a radius" ; r       v = 4/3*pi*r^3       PRINT "The volume of a sphere:"; v       END
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WAP to find the cost of painting the four walls of a room

WAP to find the cost of painting the four walls of a room

Question Write a program to find the cost of painting the four walls of a room. Ans:           CLS       INPUT "Enter length of the room";l       INPUT "Enter breadth of the room"; b       INPUT "Enter height of the room"; h       INPUT "Enter the cost of painting"; c       LET a = (2 * (l+b))*h       LET t = c * a       PRINT "The total cost of painting:"; t       END
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WAP that converts Centigrade Temperature to Fahrenheit Temperatures

WAP that converts Centigrade Temperature to Fahrenheit Temperatures

Question: Write a program that converts centigrade temperature to Fahrenheit temperatures. The formula is: F = (9/5)*C+32. F is the Fahrenheit temperature and C is the Centigrade temperature.   Ans:       REM "Converts a temperature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit"       CLS 'Clear the screen       INPUT "Enter the temperature in centigrade"; C       F = C*(9/5)+32       PRINT "The Fahrenheit value is"; F       END
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