Tuesday, 18 February, 2025

10:43 pm [NEPAL, GMT+5:45]

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1.3 Radical

An atom or group of atoms which bears charge and behaves as single unit during chemical reaction is called radical. Eg. SO4, Ca++ etc.

Depending on charges present, radicals are classified as below:-
Electropositive Radical (Basic Radical) (Cation):-

These radicals possess positive charge and collect at cathode during electrolysis.
Eg. NH4+, Ca++, Zn++ etc.

Electronegative Radicals (Acid Radical/Anion):-
These radicals possess negative charge and collect at anode during electrolysis.
Eg. SO4, Cl, NO3 etc.

Depending on constituent atoms radicals are classified as below:-

i] Simple Radical

This type of radicals contains only one type of atoms that can be one or more than one.
Eg. Pottasium ion (K+), Peroxide Ion (O2-2)

ii] Compound Radical
This type of radical contains different types of atoms.
Eg. Sulphate radical (SO4), Carbonate radical (CO3)

iii] Complex Radical
This type of radical forms by the combination of simple radical and compound radical.
Eg. Ferrocyanide (Fe(CN)6]-4